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Longitudinal Study: LSAC
Title: Predicting children’s prosocial skills in the early school years: The role of toddler emotional and attentional regulation and parenting
Authors: Williams, Kate 
Williams, Kate E 
Berthelsen, Donna 
Publication Date: 24-Oct-2016
Keywords: prosocial
early childhood
Abstract: This study uses data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) and longitudinal modelling to investigate how positive parenting contributes to the development of enhanced toddler self-regulatory skills and subsequently enhanced prosocial behaviour of young children.
Conference: World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP)
Conference location: Seoul, South Korea
Keywords: Families -- Parents and Parenting; Child Development; Children -- Early childhood
Research collection: Conference Papers
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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