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Longitudinal Study: BNLA
Title: Regulating Refugee Protection Through Social Welfare
Authors: Walsh, Moira
Due, Clemence
Ziersch, Anna
Publication Date: 15-Jul-2022
Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 24
Abstract: Immigration and welfare policies in resettlement countries frequently function to place refugees and asylum seekers at greater risk of financial and visa precarity. For those on temporary visas, in particular, these policies often lead to extended periods of uncertainty and restricted entitlements, with associated negative health impacts. However, less is known about how these elements interact in the immigration and welfare context of Australia. Through in-depth interviews with 14 people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds on temporary visas receiving emergency relief through a charitable organisation, and six service providers working with refugees and asylum seekers, this chapter explores the health impacts of financial precarity for temporary refugee visa holders in Australia. Findings reveal a range of significant self-reported mental health impacts and issues accessing essential health and other services.
ISBN: ISBN 9781003298595 (eBook)
Research collection: Book Chapters
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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