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Longitudinal Study: HILDA
Title: Inclusive Growth in Australia
Authors: Azpitarte, Francisco 
Publication Date: 2013
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Keywords: Poverty
Abstract: We investigate the pro-poorness of Australia’s strong economic growth in the first decade of the twenty-first century using anonymous and non-anonymous approaches to the measurement of pro-poor growth. The sensitivity of pro-poor growth evaluations to the definition of poverty is evaluated by comparing the results for the standard income-poverty measure with those based on a multidimensional definition of poverty. We find that Australian growth in this period can be only categorized as pro-poor according to the weakest concept of pro-poorness that does not require any bias of growth towards the poor. In addition, our results indicate that growth was clearly more pro-income poor than pro-multidimensionally poor. Counterfactual distribution analysis reveals that differences in the distribution of health between these two groups is the non-income factor that most contributes to explain this result.
ISBN: 97817433101
Keywords: Disadvantage; Income & Finance -- Poverty and disadvantage
Research collection: Book Chapters
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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