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Longitudinal Study: HILDA
Title: Diversity and Change in Australian Families: Statistical Profiles
Authors: De Vaus, D 
Institution: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Publication Date: Apr-2004
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Abstract: This book describes how families have changed in Australia over the last 30 years. It presents statistics on the diversity of family types, the changes and transitions a family may experience, and issues affecting families, and describes the context of these trends. Topics include: family and household types; couples without children at home; couples with children; lone parent families; step families and blended families; extended families and multi family households; same sex couples; adoption and adoptive families; living alone; cohabitation; transitions in childhood; transition of young people to adulthood; marriage and remarriage; having children; divorce and separation; caring; spending; time use; and working.
ISBN: ISBN 0 642 39515 2
Keywords: Families
Research collection: Books
Appears in Collections:Books

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