
Results 1-50 of 4183 (Search time: 0.852 seconds).
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Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
12025-01-08Does the School Environment and School Engagement in Early High School Predict Trajectories of Anti-Social Behaviour? A National Longitudinal Study of Australian Youth From 12 to 19 yearsHalls, Olivia ; Ben, Edwards
22025-01-01Progressing "Positive Epidemiology": A Cross-national Analysis of Adolescents' Positive Mental Health and Outcomes During the COVID-19 PandemicO'Connor, Meredith ; Olsson, C ; Lange, Katherine ; Downes, Marnie; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita; Mundy, Lisa; Viner, Russell M; Goldfeld, Sharon ; Patton, George C ; Sawyer, Susan M; Hope, Steven
32025-01Time will tell: Working from home and job satisfaction over timeSundermeyer, Stefanie
42024-11-24Life course socio-demographic circumstances and the association between housing tenure and disability-free life expectancy in Australia: a longitudinal cohort studyMitiku Teshome Hambisa; Kim M Kiely
52024-09-06“Exploring the Influence of Skill Variations, Job Autonomy, and Their Interaction on Changes in the Big Five Personality Dimensions Over Time”liu, xingxing
62024-09A better bet: How Australia should prevent gambling harmSathanapally, Aruna; Griffiths, Kate; Baldwin, Elizabeth
72024-08-18Development of Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms from Early Childhood to Late AdolescenceKatsantonis, Ioannis G.
82024-08-12Age-stratified predictions of suicide attempts using machine learning in middle and late adolescenceKusuma, Karen; Larsen, Mark; Quiroz, Juan C; Torok, Michelle
92024-08-09Refugee women and work: Evidence from an Australian longitudinal studyFlavel, Joanne ; Due, Clemence; Howe, Joanna; Ziersch, Anna
102024-07-23Prevalence, distribution, and inequitable co-occurrence of mental ill-health and substance use among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia: epidemiological findings from a population-based cohort studyBailey, Sasha; Newton, Nicola; Perry, Yael; Davies, Cristyn; Lin, Ashleigh; Marino, Jennifer L; Skinner, S R; Garlick-Bock, Sophia; Nguyen, Ha ; Mitrou, Francis ; Barrett, Emma
112024-07-10Dynamic interplay of developing internalising and externalising mental health from early childhood to mid-adolescence: Teasing apart trait, state, and cross-cohortKatsantonis, Ioannis 
122024-07-01Identifying early language predictors: A replication of Gasparini et al. (2023) confirming applicability in a general population cohortGasparini, Loretta
132024-06-06Longitudinal within-person variability around personality trajectoriesWright, Amanda J; Jackson, Joshua J
142024-05-20The Accumulative Effect of Multiple Postnatal Risk Factors with the Risk of Being Overweight/Obese in Late ChildhoodWu, Ting; Liao, Ting; Wang, Jing ; Liu, Mengjiao; Liu, Mengjiao
152024-03-15I belong; hence, I engage? A cohort study of transitions between school engagement classes and academic achievement: The role of relational school climateKatsantonis, Ioannis 
162024-03The effects of sleep duration on child health and developmentNguyen, Ha Trong ; Zubrick, Stephen R. ; Mitrou, Francis 
172024-02-24Work and life: the relative importance of job quality for general well-being, and implications for social surveysGreen, Francis; Sangwoo, Lee; Zou, Min; Zhou, Ying
182024-02-15Prevalence and impact of mental illness
192024-02-12Mothers and sportsmen: The gendered and racialised nature of role model selection for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander youthsGuerzoni, Michael Andre; Prehn, Jacob; Peacock, Huw
202024-02-02Differences in weight status among Australian children and adolescents from priority populations: a longitudinal studyLung, Tom ; Killedar, Anagha; Taki, Sarah; Wen, Li Ming; Dickson, Michelle; Howard, Kirsten; Baur, Louise; Kelly, Patrick; Sherriff, Simone; Hayes, Alison
212024-02Relative income poverty: levels, trends, context and issues HILDA Wave 22Bray, J Rob 
222024Using Longitudinal Trajectories of Working Hours to Search for Quiet Quitters: Characterizing Their ImprintsRodwell, John
232024-01Household income supplements in early childhood to reduce inequities in children's developmentGoldfeld, Sharon ; Downes, Marnie; Gray, Sarah ; Pham, Cindy; Guo, Shuaijun; O'Connor, Elodie ; Redmond, Gerry ; Azpitarte, Francisco ; Badland, Hannah ; Woolfenden, Sue ; Williams, Katrina ; Priest, Naomi ; O'Connor, Meredith ; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita
242024-01-01Emotional symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers in childhood: Associations in two Australian birth cohortsLange, Katherine ; Pham, Cindy; Fedyszyn, Izabela E; Cook, Fallon; Burgner, David P ; Olsson, C ; Downes, Marnie; Priest, Naomi ; Mansell, Toby; Tang, Mimi L K; Ponsonby, Anne-Louise; Symeonides, Christos; Loughman, Amy; Vuillermin, Peter; Kerr, Jessica A ; Gray, Lawrence; Sly, Peter D; Lycett, Kate ; Carlin, John B ; Saffery, Richard; Wake, Melissa ; O'Connor, Meredith 
252024Trajectories of psychological distress for Australian fathers parenting a child on the autism spectrum: Evidence from early childhood to adolescenceSeymour, Monique 
262024The Role of Prosocial Behaviour in the Deceleration of Conduct Problem BehaviourWilliams, Corrie ; McGee, Tara Renae; Walding, Shannon; Bond, Christine E.W
272024-01Do Wealth Fluctuations Generate Time-Varying Risk Aversion? Evidence from Australian Panel DataShortall, Patrick 
282024Changes in early adolescents' time use after acquiring their first mobile phone. An empirical test of the displacement hypothesisRöhlke, Leo
292024Discretion and Obligation Across Volunteering and Caring: Shining Light on Non-Voluntary Carers in the Retiring Encore SegmentRodwell, John; Johnson, Dianne; Thynne, Lara
302024-01Supports desired by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in fatherhood: Focussing on the social and cultural determinates of health and well-beingPrehn, Jacob; Guerzoni, Michael Andre; Peacock, Huw; Adams, Mick; Williamson, Bhiamie; Collard, Len; Conuto, Kootsy
312024National Baseline Report for Mentally Healthy Workplaces: April 2023Kobel, C; Paasila, J; Artiss, S; Thompson, C
322023-12Retirement, housing mobility, downsizing and neighbourhood quality - A causal investigationNguyen, Ha Trong ; Mitrou, Francis ; Zubrick, Stephen R. 
332023-12Non-metropolitan settlement and integration outcomes of humanitarian migrants in Australia: Combining spatial, multidimensional and longitudinal perspectivesWong, Cho Yat 
342023-12-01Trajectories of otitis media and association with health determinants among Indigenous children in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous ChildrenOguoma, V M; Mathew, S; Begum, T; Dyson, E; Ward, J; Leach, A J; Barzi, F
352023-11Does personality always matter for health? Examining the moderating effect of age on the personality-health link from life span developmental and aging perspectivesLuo, Jing; Zhang, Bo; Graham, Eileen K; Mroczek, Daniel K
362023-11How Layers of Context and Material Deprivation Impact Reemployment in Stable or Casual WorkRodwell, John; Flower, Rebecca
372023-10-23Not a Level Playing Field – People With DisabilityDixie, Laura; Miller, Hugh
382023-10-21Trajectories of Parental Warmth and the Role They Play in Explaining Adolescent Prosocial BehaviorBuckley, Lisa; Atkins, Tiffany; Perera, Withanage; Waller, Michael
392023-10Veteran social connectedness
402023-10The potential of intervening on childhood adversity to reduce socioeconomic inequities in body mass index and inflammation among Australian and UK children: A causal mediation analysisPriest, Naomi ; Guo, Shuaijun; Gondek, Dawid; O'Connor, Meredith ; Moreno-Betancur, Margarita; Gray, Sarah ; Lacey, Rebecca; Burgner, David P ; Woolfenden, Sue ; Badland, Hannah ; Redmond, Gerry ; Juonala, Markus ; Lange, Katherine ; Goldfeld, Sharon 
412023-10Temperature, health and wellbeing in AustraliaHailemariam, Abebe; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi; Appau, Samuelson
422023-10School truancy and welfare receipt dynamics in early adulthood: A longitudinal studyCollingwood, Patricia; Mazerolle, Lorraine; Cardwell, Stephanie M
432023-09-12Family and Relationship Services Economic EvaluationLacey, Sarina; McCarthy, Dennis; Berry, Tomas
442023-09Coming of Age on the Margins: A Life Course Perspective on the Time Use of Australian Adolescents with DisabilitiesO'Flaherty, Martin 
452023-09Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme: Recent Outcomes and SatisfactionHong, Nary 
462023-09Sociodemographic moderators of longitudinal changes in active play between childhood and adolescence in AustraliaKemp, Byron J; Parrish, Anne-Maree ; Chong, Kar Hau; Cliff, Dylan 
472023-09Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities
482023-08-31Association of Birth Weight Centiles and Gestational Age With Cognitive Performance at Age 5 YearsEves, Robert; Wolke, Dieter; Spiegler, Juliane; Lemola, Sakari
492023-08-29Machine learning-based prediction for self-harm and suicide attempts in adolescentsSu, Raymond; John, James Rufus; Lin, Ping-I
502023-08-14An empirical investigation of a weight-wage penalty due to taste-based discrimination in AustraliaCharhill, Phillip 
Results 1-50 of 4183 (Search time: 0.852 seconds).